Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Boy does that feel good! I made a trip to Aldi's and stocked up on canned goods for about $25.00, ran over to Walgreens and stocked up on toilet paper and very cheap Glade wisp candles. I also picked up some Progresso soup. It is on sale 4 for $5.00 and I had 2 $.50 coupons so I got 4 cans for $4.00. With coupons and RR's I spent less than $7.00 oop.

My last stop was Walmart. I don't advise shopping at Walmart on a Monday. They were out of a lot of things and had only begun restocking their shelves. I did manage to get most of my items, and save $15.00 with coupons.

I am looking into a deal for free toothpaste at Walgreens but want to make sure we got the right coupons, as soon as I verify it I will post the details.


Our Family said...

Does Aldi's let you use coupons? Also, what are the best things to buy at Aldi's? I have only been there a couple of times many years ago. ~Kim B.

Kristi said...

Aldi's does not accept coupons. I buy a lot of canned goods like soups and all my produce. Their prices can't be beat on fruit. Sometimes they will run specials on their bread and milk.